Strategic consulting in the energy sector

We understand the term strategic consulting as a comprehensive approach to our client, usually including more aspects in the area of purchasing natural gas and power, optimization of production and use of individual forms of energy, issues related to regulation and duties arising from legislation, and the advising and assessment of the investment demand of selected measures.

img_strategicke_poradenstviThe area of strategic consulting includes a very wide range of consulting services for private investors, state administrators, regulators, energy traders, energy producers and consumers.

In addition, these services focus on analyses of economically and technically feasible measures aimed at reducing energy demand in production, or on strategic consulting related to the further orientation of our clients.

  • Expert support for investors in cases of mergers and acquisitions.
  • Assessment of the fulfilment of legislative duties pursuant to the Energy Law and related legislation.
  • Consulting in the establishment of energy trading companies in the Czech Republic.
  • Evaluation of proposed changes to legal regulations.
  • Assessment of the impacts of legislation.
  • Consulting in the area of regulation.

Our clients

Energy Regulatory Office
Pražská energetika
Pražská plynárenská
Mondi Štětí


All references

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