Strategic Consulting
By strategic consulting we mean a comprehensive approach to the client, usually including several aspects in the field of natural gas and electricity procurement, optimization of production and use of individual forms of energy, issues related to regulation and obligations arising from legislation, recommendations and assessment of the investment intensity of the chosen measures.
In the areas of strategic consulting we offer:
- Expert support of investors in mergers and acquisitions.
- Assessment of compliance with legislative obligations.
- Assessment of proposed changes to legislation and their impacts.
- Regulatory advice.
- Advising on the establishment of an energy traders in the Czech Republic.
- Advising on the establishment of local distribution systems.
- Assessment of ESG targets and carbon footprint assessment.
Our references in the energy sector.
- Medium and large companies operating in the chemical, steel, manufacturing, etc. industries, from the perspective of independent energy management solutions.
- Territorial self-government units - cooperation at the level of municipalities (cities) and regions, as well as state-established organisations.
- Local and regional electricity and gas distributors.
- Utilities and independent energy producers, such as operators of heating plants, block and building boiler plants and large power plants.
- Banks and financial institutions.
- Within the frame of strategic consulting we have worked on projects within the Central and South-East Europe region.