Your Independent Consultancy for Energy Solutions.

Industrial energy, heating and power engineering

We provide independent energy consultancy and extensive cooperation in the preparation of techno-economic analyses, in-depth technical due-diligence, feasibility studies and technical assessments at virtually all stages of the project cycle, ranging from the identification of potential, design of conceptual solutions to technical supervision during commissioning. We have experience with traditional fossil fuel combustion-based energy sources, modern solutions using combined heat and power, storage or alternative fuels.

Our clients are investors, developers, energy utilities and IPPs, multinational companies and industrial enterprises, as well as representatives of local and regional governments and, last but not least, banks and other financial institutions.

The quality of our work is based on the company's many years of experience and consultants who have worked on hundreds of projects throughout the energy sector. The wide range of services offered and projects processed gives us a comprehensive view of the energy sector and know-how, which enables us to create innovative solutions and provide high added value services.

ENACO is an energy specialist with the authorization to prepare energy assessments and audits according to Czech Energy Management Act.

In the fields of industrial energy, heating and power engineering we offer: 

  • Strategic consulting, conceptual studies and initial pre-project assessments.Preliminary feasibility studies, techno-economic optimization and consultation with the aim of optimal site selection, selection of technical solution, technology supplier for new energy sources.
  • Technical due-diligence (TDD) of projects in the thermal, industrial power and LDS sectors at all stages of preparation and operation.
  • Assessment of technical and economically sustainable deployment of combined heat and power.
  • Expert Assessments withiin a range of subsidy programmes.
  • Market Valuation of new projects and existing sources, distribution networks and other energy equipment.
  • Conceptual solutions in the municipal energy sector, identification and assessment of technical solutions.

Our references in the energy sector:

  • Medium and large companies operating in the chemical, steel, manufacturing, etc. industries. From the perspective of independent energy management solutions.
  • Territorial self-government units - cooperation at the level of municipalities (cities) and regions, as well as organizations established by the State.
  • Local and regional electricity and gas distributors.
  • Energy utilities and IPPs, such as operators of heating plants, block and building boiler plants and large power plants.
  • Banks and financial institutions.

Territorial scope:

  • Within the frame of energy consultiing, we have worked on projects within the Central and South-Eastern Europe region, Israel and Kyrgyzstan.